Yes, I know 2009 isn't even a quarter over, but it strikes me as very unlikely that the next nine months or so will provide a credible challenger to Ms. Michelle Owen of Whiteland, Indiana.

The reason she wanted to speak to a detective was that she was involved in a child custody dispute with her ex-boyfriend, Heath Pierle and, to quote from the detective's report:
Detective James Bryant took the initial report in which she advised him that she had discovered some search history results on her laptop computer which were possibly child pornography. She described the searches as being related to underage children and requested that we search the laptop for any child pornography. She told detective Bryant that she was going through a custody dispute with Pierle and thought that she would report suspected illegal activity from the past. Owen signed a consent to search form for the laptop.Ms. Owen arranged for a family friend to bring the laptop to the police department, where it was subjected to a forensic examination. And what did the detective discover upon searching the computer? Two videos of Ms. Owen engaged in illicit acts with a dog.
When told by the detective that he'd found videos of her on the computer and asked if she, "knew what those files might be," she replied, "The one with the dog."
According to Owen, the videos "were just something she did when she was drunk and barely remembers it," and that she "remembered trying to delete them the next day when she was sober."
Ms. Owen has been charged with Bestiality, a Class D Felony. I'm guessing this isn't going to be a real plus in her custody dispute.
Foster care might be a good thing.
Here. Feel better.
Lovely. Thanks for that.
Have you ever heard k.d. lang's version? Also wonderful. (Rocketgirl is a rabid (metaphorically speaking, of course) k.d. fan.)
I have now. Wow.
I always loved that one section (no musical vocabulary) of Beethoven's 7th Symphony. Moves to tears. Then about six or seven years ago there was an NPR story from one of their staff about how this is the music he'd want to hear while he was dying. Many people echoed the sentiment, and there was a follow-up from a man who played it for his dying father. Anyway. This is a close second.
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